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Balancing Act
Writing is hard. Finding a good editor doesn't have to be.
Writing can be joyful, cathartic, liberating, agonizing, and a soul-churning adventure. Some days, you stare at the cursor while the perfect words and phrases hide in the corners of your mind. Other days, too many ideas bounce around in your head like balls in a bingo cage, spilling out until you are juggling more than you can handle.
Good writing balances creativity and knowledge with correct grammar, sentence structure, and clarity. Your readers need to be able to follow your train of thought and understand the message. They want to be transported by your prose without being distracted by errors.
That's how I can help you.
I strive to create a successful and positive balance between author and editor. I can help sculpt your sentences to be their best without losing your voice or style. Hiring an editor will make your work stand out for the right reasons! I offer manuscript evaluation, three levels of copyediting, and developmental editing.
I specialize in nonfiction, self-help, how-to, inspirational, memoirs, leadership, and motivational genres.
Check out my Services page for more information on how I can help you elevate your manuscript to the level you wish to achieve.
I've also created The Process page to give you a feel for how I work. Please contact me with any questions. I look forward to learning more about your work and finding that balance with you.
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